Unstable Python API


vehicle_lang.ast.load(path: str | Path, *, declarations: Iterable[str] = (), target: Target = Explicit.Explicit) Program


class vehicle_lang.ast.Program
class vehicle_lang.ast.Main(declarations: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Declaration])


class vehicle_lang.ast.Declaration
class vehicle_lang.ast.DefFunction(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str, type: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.DefPostulate(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)


class vehicle_lang.ast.Expression
class vehicle_lang.ast.App(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, function: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, arguments: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Expression])
class vehicle_lang.ast.PartialApp(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, arity: int, function: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, arguments: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Expression])
class vehicle_lang.ast.Binder(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str | None, type: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.BoundVar(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Builtin(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, builtin: vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinFunction)
class vehicle_lang.ast.FreeVar(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Lam(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, binders: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Binder], body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Let(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, bound: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, binder: vehicle_lang.ast.Binder, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Pi(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, binder: vehicle_lang.ast.Binder, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Universe(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, level: int)


class vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinFunction
class vehicle_lang.ast.AddInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.AddNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.AddRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.And
class vehicle_lang.ast.AtVector
class vehicle_lang.ast.Bool(value: bool)
class vehicle_lang.ast.BoolType
class vehicle_lang.ast.ConsList
class vehicle_lang.ast.ConsVector
class vehicle_lang.ast.DivRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.EqIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.EqInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.EqNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.EqRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.Exists
class vehicle_lang.ast.FoldList
class vehicle_lang.ast.FoldVector
class vehicle_lang.ast.Forall
class vehicle_lang.ast.GeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.GeInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.GeNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.GeRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.GtIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.GtInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.GtNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.GtRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.If
class vehicle_lang.ast.Implies
class vehicle_lang.ast.Index(value: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.IndexType
class vehicle_lang.ast.Indices
class vehicle_lang.ast.Int(value: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.IntType
class vehicle_lang.ast.LeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.LeInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.LeNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.LeRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.ListType
class vehicle_lang.ast.LtIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.LtInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.LtNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.LtRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.MapList
class vehicle_lang.ast.MapVector
class vehicle_lang.ast.MaxRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.MinRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.MulInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.MulNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.MulRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.Nat(value: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.NatType
class vehicle_lang.ast.NeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.NeInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.NeNat
class vehicle_lang.ast.NeRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.NegInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.NegRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.NilList
class vehicle_lang.ast.Not
class vehicle_lang.ast.Or
class vehicle_lang.ast.PowRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.Rat(numerator: int, denominator: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.RatType
class vehicle_lang.ast.Sample(name: str, locals: Sequence[str])
class vehicle_lang.ast.SubInt
class vehicle_lang.ast.SubRat
class vehicle_lang.ast.Unit
class vehicle_lang.ast.UnitType
class vehicle_lang.ast.Vector(value: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.VectorType
class vehicle_lang.ast.ZipWithVector

Abstract Base Class

class vehicle_lang.ast.AST


class vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance(lineno: int, col_offset: int, end_lineno: int | None = None, end_col_offset: int | None = None)
col_offset: int
end_col_offset: int | None = None
end_lineno: int | None = None
lineno: int
vehicle_lang.ast.MISSING: Provenance = Provenance(lineno=0, col_offset=0, end_lineno=None, end_col_offset=None)

Provenance(lineno: int, col_offset: int, end_lineno: Optional[int] = None, end_col_offset: Optional[int] = None)


class vehicle_lang.compile.AST
classmethod from_dict(value: None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[JsonValue] | Dict[str, JsonValue]] | Dict[str, None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[JsonValue] | Dict[str, JsonValue]]) Self
classmethod from_json(value: str) Self
class vehicle_lang.compile.Binder(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str | None, type: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
name: str | None
provenance: Provenance
type: Expression
class vehicle_lang.compile.BuiltinFunction
class vehicle_lang.compile.Declaration
abstract get_name() str
class vehicle_lang.compile.Expression
class vehicle_lang.compile.Program
classmethod from_dict(value: None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[JsonValue] | Dict[str, JsonValue]] | Dict[str, None | str | bool | int | float | complex | List[JsonValue] | Dict[str, JsonValue]]) Self
class vehicle_lang.compile.Provenance(lineno: int, col_offset: int, end_lineno: int | None = None, end_col_offset: int | None = None)
col_offset: int
end_col_offset: int | None = None
end_lineno: int | None = None
lineno: int
class vehicle_lang.compile.PythonBuiltins(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]] = <factory>)
Int(value: SupportsInt) int
Nat(value: SupportsInt) int
Rat(value: SupportsFloat) float
samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]
class vehicle_lang.compile.PythonTranslation(builtins: vehicle_lang.compile.abc.Builtins[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], module_header: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>, module_footer: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>)
builtins: Builtins[Any, Any, Any, Any]
compile(program: Program, path: str | Path, declaration_context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Dict[str, Any]
classmethod from_builtins(builtins: Builtins[Any, Any, Any, Any]) Self
classmethod from_samplers(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]) Self
ignored_types: List[str]
module_header: Sequence[stmt]
translate_App(expression: App) expr
translate_BoundVar(expression: BoundVar) expr
translate_Builtin(expression: Builtin) expr
translate_DefFunction(declaration: DefFunction) stmt
translate_DefPostulate(declaration: DefPostulate) stmt
translate_FreeVar(expression: FreeVar) expr
translate_Lam(expression: Lam) expr
translate_Main(program: Main) Module
translate_PartialApp(expression: PartialApp) expr
translate_Pi(_expression: Pi) expr
translate_Universe(_expression: Universe) expr
translate_binder(binder: Binder) arg
translate_declarations(declarations: Iterator[Declaration]) Iterator[stmt]
vehicle_lang.compile.compile(path: str | Path, *, declarations: Iterable[str] = (), target: Target = Explicit.Explicit, translation: PythonTranslation | None = None) Dict[str, Any]
vehicle_lang.compile.load_loss_function(path: str | Path, property_name: str, *, target: DifferentiableLogic = DifferentiableLogic.Vehicle, samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]] = {}) Any

Load a loss function from a property in a Vehicle specification.

  • path (str | Path) – The path to the Vehicle specification file.

  • property_name (str) – The name of the Vehicle property to load.

  • target (DifferentiableLogic) – The differentiable logic to use for interpreting the Vehicle property as a loss function, defaults to the Vehicle logic.

  • samplers (Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]) – A map from quantified variable names to samplers for their values. See Sampler for more details.


A function that takes the required external resources in the specification as keyword arguments and returns the loss corresponding to the property.

Return type:



class vehicle_lang.compile.abc.ABCTranslation
abstract translate_App(expression: App) _Expression
abstract translate_BoundVar(expression: BoundVar) _Expression
abstract translate_Builtin(expression: Builtin) _Expression
abstract translate_DefFunction(declaration: DefFunction) _Declaration
abstract translate_DefPostulate(declaration: DefPostulate) _Declaration
abstract translate_FreeVar(expression: FreeVar) _Expression
abstract translate_Lam(expression: Lam) _Expression
translate_Let(expression: Let) _Expression
abstract translate_Main(program: Main) _Program
abstract translate_PartialApp(expression: PartialApp) _Expression
abstract translate_Pi(expression: Pi) _Expression
abstract translate_Universe(expression: Universe) _Expression
translate_declaration(declaration: Declaration) _Declaration
translate_expression(expression: Expression) _Expression
translate_program(program: Program) _Program
class vehicle_lang.compile.abc.Builtins
abstract AddInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Int
abstract AddNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Nat
abstract AddRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
abstract And(x: _Bool, y: _Bool) _Bool
AtVector(vector: SupportsVector[_T], index: int) _T
abstract Bool(value: bool) _Bool
ConsList(item: _T, iterable: SupportsList[_T]) SupportsList[_T]
ConsVector(item: _T, vector: SupportsVector[_T]) SupportsVector[_T]
abstract DivRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
abstract EqIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
abstract EqInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
abstract EqNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
abstract EqRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
Exists(name: str, context: Dict[str, Any], predicate: Callable[[_T], _Bool]) _Bool
FoldList(function: Callable[[_S, _T], _T], initial: _T, iterable: SupportsList[_S]) _T
FoldVector(function: Callable[[_S, _T], _T], initial: _T, vector: SupportsVector[_S]) _T
Forall(name: str, context: Dict[str, Any], predicate: Callable[[_T], _Bool]) _Bool
GeIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
GeInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
GeNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
GeRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
GtIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
GtInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
GtNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
GtRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
abstract If(cond: _Bool, if_true: _T, if_false: _T) _T
Implies(x: _Bool, y: _Bool) _Bool
Index(value: SupportsInt) int
Indices(upto: int) SupportsVector[int]
abstract Int(value: SupportsInt) _Int
LeIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
LeInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
LeNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
LeRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
abstract LtIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
abstract LtInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
abstract LtNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
abstract LtRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
MapList(function: Callable[[_S], _T], iterable: SupportsList[_S]) SupportsList[_T]
MapVector(function: Callable[[_S], _T], vector: SupportsVector[_S]) SupportsVector[_T]
abstract MaxRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
abstract MinRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
abstract MulInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Int
abstract MulNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Nat
abstract MulRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
abstract Nat(value: SupportsInt) _Nat
NeIndex(x: int, y: int) _Bool
NeInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Bool
NeNat(x: _Nat, y: _Nat) _Bool
NeRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Bool
abstract NegInt(x: _Int) _Int
abstract NegRat(x: _Rat) _Rat
NilList() SupportsVector[_T]
abstract Not(x: _Bool) _Bool
abstract Or(x: _Bool, y: _Bool) _Bool
abstract PowRat(x: _Rat, y: _Int) _Rat
abstract Rat(value: SupportsFloat) _Rat
Sample(name: str, context: Dict[str, Any]) SupportsList[_T]
abstract SubInt(x: _Int, y: _Int) _Int
abstract SubRat(x: _Rat, y: _Rat) _Rat
Unit() Tuple[()]
Vector(*values: _T) SupportsVector[_T]
ZipWithVector(function: Callable[[_S, _T], _U], vector1: SupportsVector[_S], vector2: SupportsVector[_T]) SupportsVector[_U]
samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]
class vehicle_lang.compile.abc.Translation
abstract translate_declaration(declaration: Declaration) _Declaration
abstract translate_expression(expression: Expression) _Expression
abstract translate_program(program: Program) _Program


class vehicle_lang.compile.abcboolasbool.ABCBoolAsBoolBuiltins(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]] = <factory>)
And(x: bool, y: bool) bool
Bool(value: bool) bool
EqIndex(x: int, y: int) bool
EqInt(x: _SupportsInt, y: _SupportsInt) bool
EqNat(x: _SupportsNat, y: _SupportsNat) bool
EqRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) bool
If(cond: bool, if_true: _T, if_false: _T) _T
LtIndex(x: int, y: int) bool
LtInt(x: _SupportsInt, y: _SupportsInt) bool
LtNat(x: _SupportsNat, y: _SupportsNat) bool
LtRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) bool
Not(x: bool) bool
Or(x: bool, y: bool) bool
samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]


class vehicle_lang.compile.abcnumeric.ABCNumericBuiltins(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]] = <factory>)
AddInt(x: _SupportsInt, y: _SupportsInt) _SupportsInt
AddNat(x: _SupportsNat, y: _SupportsNat) _SupportsNat
AddRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
DivRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
MaxRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
MinRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
MulInt(x: _SupportsInt, y: _SupportsInt) _SupportsInt
MulNat(x: _SupportsNat, y: _SupportsNat) _SupportsNat
MulRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
NegInt(x: _SupportsInt) _SupportsInt
NegRat(x: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
PowRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsInt) _SupportsRat
SubInt(x: _SupportsInt, y: _SupportsInt) _SupportsInt
SubRat(x: _SupportsRat, y: _SupportsRat) _SupportsRat
samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]


exception vehicle_lang.compile.python.EraseType
class vehicle_lang.compile.python.PythonBuiltins(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]] = <factory>)
Int(value: SupportsInt) int
Nat(value: SupportsInt) int
Rat(value: SupportsFloat) float
samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]
class vehicle_lang.compile.python.PythonTranslation(builtins: vehicle_lang.compile.abc.Builtins[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], module_header: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>, module_footer: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>)
builtins: Builtins[Any, Any, Any, Any]
compile(program: Program, path: str | Path, declaration_context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Dict[str, Any]
classmethod from_builtins(builtins: Builtins[Any, Any, Any, Any]) Self
classmethod from_samplers(samplers: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Iterator[Any]]]) Self
ignored_types: List[str]
module_header: Sequence[stmt]
translate_App(expression: App) expr
translate_BoundVar(expression: BoundVar) expr
translate_Builtin(expression: Builtin) expr
translate_DefFunction(declaration: DefFunction) stmt
translate_DefPostulate(declaration: DefPostulate) stmt
translate_FreeVar(expression: FreeVar) expr
translate_Lam(expression: Lam) expr
translate_Main(program: Main) Module
translate_PartialApp(expression: PartialApp) expr
translate_Pi(_expression: Pi) expr
translate_Universe(_expression: Universe) expr
translate_binder(binder: Binder) arg
translate_declarations(declarations: Iterator[Declaration]) Iterator[stmt]
vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_app(function: expr, *arguments: expr, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_binder(*args: arg) arguments

Make a binder which only uses args.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_builtin(builtin: str, *, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a builtin function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_name(name: str, *, provenance: Provenance) Name

Make a name.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_partial_app(function: expr, *arguments: expr, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a partial function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_qualified_name(*parts: str, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a qualified name.



vehicle_lang.verify.verify(specification: str | Path, properties: Iterable[str] | None = None, networks: Dict[str, str | Path] = {}, datasets: Dict[str, str | Path] = {}, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, verifier: Verifier = Verifier.Marabou, verifier_location: str | Path | None = None, cache: str | Path | None = None) None

Check whether properties in a Vehicle specification hold.

  • specification (str | Path) – The path to the Vehicle specification file to verify.

  • properties (Iterable[str] | None) – The names of the properties in the specification to verify, defaults to all declarations.

  • networks (Dict[str, str | Path]) – A map from the network names in the specification to files containing the networks.

  • datasets (Dict[str, str | Path]) – A map from the dataset names in the specification to files containing the datasets.

  • parameters (Dict[str, Any]) – A map from the parameter names in the specification to the values to be used in verification.

  • verifier (Verifier) – The verifier to be used, defaults to Marabou.

  • verifier_location (str | Path | None) – The path to the verifier executable, defaults to searching the system path.

  • cache (str | Path | None) – The path to the proof cache used by Vehicle, defaults to not writing a proof cache.


exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleBuiltinUnsupported(builtin_name: str)
builtin_name: str
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleError
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleInternalError
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehiclePropertyNotFound(property_name: str)
property_name: str
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleSessionClosed
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleSessionUsed



A name of a top-level declaration in a Vehicle specification file.

class vehicle_lang.typing.DifferentiableLogic(value)

The differentiable logics supported by Vehicle.

DL2 = 2
Godel = 3
Lukasiewicz = 4
Product = 5
Vehicle = 1
Yager = 6
class vehicle_lang.typing.Explicit(value)

The direct translation from Vehicle to Python.

Explicit = 1

A name of a quantified variable in a Vehicle specification file.

class vehicle_lang.typing.Target(*args, **kwargs)

Translation targets from Vehicle to Python.

Valid values are either Explicit or any member of DifferentiableLogic.

class vehicle_lang.typing.Verifier(value)

The neural network verifiers supported by Vehicle.

Marabou = 1

The Marabou verifier.