Unstable Python API


vehicle_lang.ast.load(path: str | Path, *, declarations: Iterable[str] = (), target: Target = Explicit.Explicit) Program


class vehicle_lang.ast.Program
class vehicle_lang.ast.Main(declarations: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Declaration])


class vehicle_lang.ast.Declaration
class vehicle_lang.ast.DefFunction(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str, type: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.DefPostulate(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)


class vehicle_lang.ast.Expression
class vehicle_lang.ast.App(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, function: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, arguments: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Expression])
class vehicle_lang.ast.PartialApp(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, arity: int, function: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, arguments: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Expression])
class vehicle_lang.ast.Binder(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str | None, type: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.BoundVar(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Builtin(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, builtin: vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinConstant | vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinFunction | vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinLiteral | vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinType)
class vehicle_lang.ast.FreeVar(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, name: str)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Lam(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, binders: Sequence[vehicle_lang.ast.Binder], body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Let(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, bound: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression, binder: vehicle_lang.ast.Binder, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Pi(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, binder: vehicle_lang.ast.Binder, body: vehicle_lang.ast.Expression)
class vehicle_lang.ast.Universe(provenance: vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance, level: int)


class vehicle_lang.ast.BuiltinFunction
class vehicle_lang.ast.ConsList
class vehicle_lang.ast.EqIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.FoldList
class vehicle_lang.ast.GeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.GtIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.If
class vehicle_lang.ast.Index(value: int)
class vehicle_lang.ast.IndexType
class vehicle_lang.ast.LeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.ListType
class vehicle_lang.ast.LtIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.MapList
class vehicle_lang.ast.NeIndex
class vehicle_lang.ast.NilList
class vehicle_lang.ast.Unit
class vehicle_lang.ast.UnitType

Abstract Base Class

class vehicle_lang.ast.AST


class vehicle_lang.ast.Provenance(lineno: int, col_offset: int, end_lineno: int | None = None, end_col_offset: int | None = None)
col_offset: int
end_col_offset: int | None = None
end_lineno: int | None = None
lineno: int
vehicle_lang.ast.MISSING: Provenance = Provenance(lineno=0, col_offset=0, end_lineno=None, end_col_offset=None)

Provenance(lineno: int, col_offset: int, end_lineno: Optional[int] = None, end_col_offset: Optional[int] = None)






exception vehicle_lang.compile.python.EraseType
class vehicle_lang.compile.python.PythonTranslation(builtins: vehicle_lang.compile.abc.builtins.ABCBuiltins[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any], module_header: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>, module_footer: Sequence[ast.stmt] = <factory>)
builtins: ABCBuiltins[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]
compile(program: Program, path: str | Path, declaration_context: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Dict[str, Any]
ignored_types: List[str]
module_header: Sequence[stmt]
translate_App(expression: App) expr
translate_BoundVar(expression: BoundVar) expr
translate_Builtin(expression: Builtin) expr
translate_DefFunction(declaration: DefFunction) stmt
translate_DefPostulate(declaration: DefPostulate) stmt
translate_FreeVar(expression: FreeVar) expr
translate_Lam(expression: Lam) expr
translate_Main(program: Main) Module
translate_PartialApp(expression: PartialApp) expr
translate_Pi(_expression: Pi) expr
translate_Universe(_expression: Universe) expr
translate_binder(binder: Binder) arg
translate_declarations(declarations: Iterator[Declaration]) Iterator[stmt]
vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_app(function: expr, *arguments: expr, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_binder(*args: arg) arguments

Make a binder which only uses args.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_builtin(builtin: str, *, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a builtin function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_fraction(value: Fraction, provenance: Provenance) expr
vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_name(name: str, *, provenance: Provenance) Name

Make a name.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_partial_app(function: expr, *arguments: expr, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a partial function call.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_qualified_name(*parts: str, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a qualified name.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_scalar(value: DType, provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a scalar.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_tensor(tensor: Tensor[DType], provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a tensor.

vehicle_lang.compile.python.py_tuple(elements: List[expr], provenance: Provenance) expr

Make a tuple.


class vehicle_lang.pygments.VehicleLexer(*args, **kwds)
aliases = ['vehicle']

A list of short, unique identifiers that can be used to look up the lexer from a list, e.g., using get_lexer_by_name().

filenames = ['*.vcl']

A list of fnmatch patterns that match filenames which contain content for this lexer. The patterns in this list should be unique among all lexers.

name = 'Vehicle'

Full name of the lexer, in human-readable form

tokens = {'root': [('--.*\\n', ('Comment',)), ('\\{-((.)(?<!-))*-((.)(?<![-\\}])((.)(?<!-))*-|-)*\\}', ('Comment',)), ('True|False', ('Name', 'Builtin')), ('(\\d)+', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Integer')), ('(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Float')), ('@network', ('Keyword', 'Declaration')), ('@dataset', ('Keyword', 'Declaration')), ('@parameter', ('Keyword', 'Declaration')), ('@property', ('Keyword', 'Declaration')), ('@postulate', ('Keyword', 'Declaration')), ('->', ('Operator',)), ('forallT', ('Keyword',)), ('if', ('Keyword',)), ('then', ('Keyword',)), ('else', ('Keyword',)), ('\\.', ('Punctuation',)), (':', ('Punctuation',)), ('\\\\', ('Punctuation',)), ('let', ('Keyword',)), ('Type', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Unit', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Bool', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Nat', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Int', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Rat', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Vector', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('List', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('Index', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('forall', ('Keyword',)), ('exists', ('Keyword',)), ('foreach', ('Keyword',)), ('=>', ('Operator',)), ('and', ('Operator', 'Word')), ('or', ('Operator', 'Word')), ('not', ('Operator', 'Word')), ('==', ('Operator',)), ('!=', ('Operator',)), ('<=', ('Operator',)), ('<', ('Operator',)), ('>=', ('Operator',)), ('>', ('Operator',)), ('\\*', ('Operator',)), ('/', ('Operator',)), ('\\+', ('Operator',)), ('-', ('Operator',)), ('nil', ('Operator',)), ('::', ('Operator',)), ('\\[', ('Operator',)), ('\\]', ('Operator',)), ('::v', ('Operator',)), ('!', ('Operator',)), ('map', ('Name', 'Builtin')), ('fold', ('Name', 'Builtin')), ('dfold', ('Name', 'Builtin')), ('indices', ('Name', 'Builtin')), ('HasEq', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasNotEq', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasAdd', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasSub', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasMul', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasFold', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('HasMap', ('Keyword', 'Type')), ('[a-zA-Z](_|\\d|[a-zA-Z])*', ('Name',)), ('\\?(_|\\d|[a-zA-Z])*', ('Name',)), ('(\\d|[a-zA-Z])+', ('Name',)), ("[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]|\\d|_|\\')*", ('Name',)), ('\\(|\\)|\\{|\\}|\\{\\{|\\}\\}|=|,|\\(\\)|;', ('Punctuation',)), ('(\\d)+', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Integer')), ('(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+(e(-)?(\\d)+)?', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Float')), ('"((.)(?<!["\\\\])|\\\\["\\\\nt])*"', ('Literal', 'String', 'Double')), ("\\'((.)(?<![\\'\\\\])|\\\\[\\'\\\\nt])\\'", ('Literal', 'String', 'Char')), ('\\s+', ('Space',)), ('--.*\\n', ('Comment',)), ('\\{-((.)(?<!-))*-((.)(?<![-\\}])((.)(?<!-))*-|-)*\\}', ('Comment',)), ('True|False', ('Name',)), ('(\\d)+', ('Name',)), ('(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+', ('Name',)), ('@network', ('Name',)), ('@dataset', ('Name',)), ('@parameter', ('Name',)), ('@property', ('Name',)), ('@postulate', ('Name',)), ('@noinline', ('Name',)), ('->', ('Name',)), ('forallT', ('Name',)), ('if', ('Name',)), ('then', ('Name',)), ('else', ('Name',)), ('\\.', ('Name',)), (':', ('Name',)), ('\\\\', ('Name',)), ('let', ('Name',)), ('Type', ('Name',)), ('Unit', ('Name',)), ('Bool', ('Name',)), ('Nat', ('Name',)), ('Int', ('Name',)), ('Rat', ('Name',)), ('Vector', ('Name',)), ('List', ('Name',)), ('Index', ('Name',)), ('forall', ('Name',)), ('exists', ('Name',)), ('foreach', ('Name',)), ('=>', ('Name',)), ('and', ('Name',)), ('or', ('Name',)), ('not', ('Name',)), ('==', ('Name',)), ('!=', ('Name',)), ('<=', ('Name',)), ('<', ('Name',)), ('>=', ('Name',)), ('>', ('Name',)), ('\\*', ('Name',)), ('/', ('Name',)), ('\\+', ('Name',)), ('-', ('Name',)), ('nil', ('Name',)), ('::', ('Name',)), ('\\[', ('Name',)), ('\\]', ('Name',)), ('::v', ('Name',)), ('!', ('Name',)), ('map', ('Name',)), ('fold', ('Name',)), ('dfold', ('Name',)), ('indices', ('Name',)), ('fromNat', ('Name',)), ('fromInt', ('Name',)), ('HasEq', ('Name',)), ('HasNotEq', ('Name',)), ('HasAdd', ('Name',)), ('HasSub', ('Name',)), ('HasMul', ('Name',)), ('HasFold', ('Name',)), ('HasMap', ('Name',)), ('[a-zA-Z](_|\\d|[a-zA-Z])*', ('Name',)), ('\\?(_|\\d|[a-zA-Z])*', ('Name',)), ('(\\d|[a-zA-Z])+', ('Name',)), ("[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]|\\d|_|\\')*", ('Name',)), ('\\(|\\)|\\{|\\}|\\{\\{|\\}\\}|=|,|\\(\\)|;', ('Operator',)), ('(\\d)+', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Integer')), ('(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+(e(-)?(\\d)+)?', ('Literal', 'Number', 'Float')), ('"((.)(?<!["\\\\])|\\\\["\\\\nt])*"', ('Literal', 'String', 'Double')), ("\\'((.)(?<![\\'\\\\])|\\\\[\\'\\\\nt])\\'", ('Literal', 'String', 'Char')), ('\\s+', ('Space',))]}

At all time there is a stack of states. Initially, the stack contains a single state ‘root’. The top of the stack is called “the current state”.

Dict of {'state': [(regex, tokentype, new_state), ...], ...}

new_state can be omitted to signify no state transition. If new_state is a string, it is pushed on the stack. This ensure the new current state is new_state. If new_state is a tuple of strings, all of those strings are pushed on the stack and the current state will be the last element of the list. new_state can also be combined('state1', 'state2', ...) to signify a new, anonymous state combined from the rules of two or more existing ones. Furthermore, it can be ‘#pop’ to signify going back one step in the state stack, or ‘#push’ to push the current state on the stack again. Note that if you push while in a combined state, the combined state itself is pushed, and not only the state in which the rule is defined.

The tuple can also be replaced with include('state'), in which case the rules from the state named by the string are included in the current one.


vehicle_lang.verify.verify(specification: str | Path, properties: Iterable[str] | None = None, networks: Dict[str, str | Path] = {}, datasets: Dict[str, str | Path] = {}, parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, verifier: Verifier = Verifier.Marabou, verifier_location: str | Path | None = None, cache: str | Path | None = None) None

Check whether properties in a Vehicle specification hold.

  • specification (str | Path) – The path to the Vehicle specification file to verify.

  • properties (Iterable[str] | None) – The names of the properties in the specification to verify, defaults to all declarations.

  • networks (Dict[str, str | Path]) – A map from the network names in the specification to files containing the networks.

  • datasets (Dict[str, str | Path]) – A map from the dataset names in the specification to files containing the datasets.

  • parameters (Dict[str, Any]) – A map from the parameter names in the specification to the values to be used in verification.

  • verifier (Verifier) – The verifier to be used, defaults to Marabou.

  • verifier_location (str | Path | None) – The path to the verifier executable, defaults to searching the system path.

  • cache (str | Path | None) – The path to the proof cache used by Vehicle, defaults to not writing a proof cache.


exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleError
exception vehicle_lang.error.VehicleInternalError



An optimiser that promises to work for any type.

alias of Callable[[bool, Dict[str, Any], Callable[[Any, Any], Any], Callable[[Any], Any]], Any]


A mapping from quantified variable names to optimisers.

alias of Dict[str, Callable[[bool, Dict[str, Any], Callable[[Any, Any], Any], Callable[[Any], Any]], Any]]


A name of a top-level declaration in a Vehicle specification file.

class vehicle_lang.typing.DifferentiableLogic(value)

The differentiable logics supported by Vehicle.

DL2 = 2
Godel = 3
Lukasiewicz = 4
Product = 5
Vehicle = 1
Yager = 6
class vehicle_lang.typing.Explicit(value)

The direct translation from Vehicle to Python.

Explicit = 1

TODO: add description

alias of Callable[[bool, Dict[str, _T], Callable[[_R, _R], _R], Callable[[_T], _R]], _R]


A name of a quantified variable in a Vehicle specification file.

class vehicle_lang.typing.Target(*args, **kwargs)

Translation targets from Vehicle to Python.

Valid values are either Explicit or any member of DifferentiableLogic.

class vehicle_lang.typing.Verifier(value)

The neural network verifiers supported by Vehicle.

Marabou = 1

The Marabou verifier.